May 8, 2010

Ο Αγαμέμνων στο Τορόντο: Μια συναρπαστική Καναδική παραγωγή της τραγωδίας του Αισχύλου


Η τραγωδία του Αισχύλου ο «Αγαμέμων» πραγματεύεται το φόνο του βασιλιά Αγαμέμνονα, αρχιστράτηγου της Τρωικής εκστρατείας, από τη γυναίκα του, την Κλυταιμνήστρα, μετά το νικηφόρο γυρισμό του από την Τροία. Είναι το πρώτο έργο από την τριλογία του Αισχύλου «Ορέστεια» που περιλαμβάνει τις τραγωδίες «Χοηφόροι» και «Ευμενίδες».

AGAMEMNON – May 22 to June 5, WEDNESDAYS through SUNDAYS at 8 PM

Bold new staging of Aeschylus' Agamemnon introduces a rigorous approach to theatrical creation

Marking the debut of a determined new voice within Toronto theatre, Theatre Cipher's Agamemnon (in translation by Ted Hughes) stands out as proof of the power and relevance a great text can hold when approached with the necessary time and dedication. Created over the course of twelve months of ongoing rehearsal, this highly visual and psychologically-charged production will run from May 22 to June 5 at the church hall of Christ the Saviour Cathedral (located at 823 Manning Ave).

Led by director Michael Wighton, Theatre Cipher is an ensemble of actors and directors committed to restoring to the theatre both the rigour and untamed fantasy which it deserves. Drawing on Wighton's years of experience as a core member of The Meyerhold Centre's resident company and graduate of the Moscow Art Theatre School, Cipher's work ethic springs from the Russian school of theatrical creation. Acknowledging the physical, vocal, and psychological mastery which a great poetic text demands, Agamemnon comes as the result of a process which sets artistic vision and dramatic revelation as its foremost concerns. Striving throughout for a fusion of internal drive with external action, this premiere promises to be a rich and vivid envisioning of ancient Greek theatre.

As the first of three tragedies in Aeschylus' renowned Oresteia, Agamemnon tells the tale of what happens to a nation after years spent at war. Returning triumphant from his victory at Troy, the great leader Agamemnon discovers his kingdom fallen into disrepair and consumed by a web of personal crusaders, each of them ravenous for their own take on justice. As the disease which he set off in his people upon sailing for Troy -- an unquestioning belief in one's moral right – overtakes the palace square, we see what becomes of a society where each and every member is ready to fight for what they deem right.

Presented by Theatre Cipher
From The Oresteia, a Translation of Aeschylus' Trilogy of Plays
By Ted Hughes

May 22 – June 5, WEDNESDAYS through SUNDAYS at 8 pm
Church Hall of Christ the Saviour Cathedral, 823 Manning Ave
Tickets: $10 / $20

Creative Team:
Direction by Michael Wighton
Performed by Carlos González-Vio, Laura Nordin and Michelle Alexander
Design by Trevor Schwellnus, Amanda White, Lenore White and Maciej Jasiobedzki

Περισότερες πληροφορίες :
Theatre Cipher Media Contact: Michael Wighton


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